Current Projects
[2023] Miku Test 2
I have returned to this cursed project, and this time I have a third axis dimension (and quaternions). Attempts to match the movements of Leggy Miku to a users webcam feed. Unlike the first test, this uses an updated pose detection library that can predict the z axis, and actually (somewhat) works. Still pretty broken though.
[2021] Miku Test
First part of a multi-stage project, that attempts to match the movements of leggy miku to a users webcam feed. Pretty buggy right now, only the nose tracking works somewhat reliably.
[2021] [Dead] WebRTCzone
BROKEN - Heroku died and I can't be bothered to find somewhere else to host this :(. A fork of Rilin's awesome whoazone project, that adds WebRTC functionality to allow for maneuverable flying webcam feeds in a multiplayer 3D environment.
[2021] [Dead] Same Messenger
BROKEN - Heroku died and I can't be bothered to find somewhere else to host this :(. Rewritten version of the original messenger. It's no longer reliant on PubNub!
[2021] [Dead] Same Video
BROKEN - Heroku died and I can't be bothered to find somewhere else to host this :(. Rewritten version of the original video chat. It's no longer reliant on PubNub! Also it works now, and I actually wrote the code!
[2020] [Dead(ish)] Perfect Places
Uses the Google Maps Places API to show you a random selection of places near you, based off a chosen keyword. (Not working right now).
Archives of Past Projects
[2018] Bored
A page I made when I was bored in a Psychology lecture that let's you write Bouncing 3D text on a rainbow background. Very cool, and of course, very useless.
[2016] GD Messenger
An almost completely insecure messenging site I made in year 11 so we could talk in class without the teacher knowing. Honestly half the fun is in doing horrifying things with deprecated html tags (marquee for da win).
[2016] [Broken] GD Video
A WebRTC based video chat I made in year 11, following the messenger site. It actually worked decently, but I think they made some security changes to WebRTC which destroyed my code. The big rip time.
[2016] Theo Farted
Ewww theo farted gross. (I made this in year 11, and I feel it needs preservation).
[2015] Original Graphics Demo
Behold the namesake of this website! It's uh, pretty shitty honestly.